Wednesday 8 April 2009

Not Quite Local....

The Adventures of Jasper and Jazz.

Two poochies from the heart of the city, well Machester-ish, up sticks and move to the North Norfolk coast with their two Mum’s and three cats in tow. Follow their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and their torments, their tickles and their troubles, as they discover, explore and adapt to a whole new way of life!

Not quite local…

We love this running mad on the beach thing. Jazz chases a ball like crazy and I do a bit of exploring, chase a few birds, go meet some new people if they’re about.
So, we’re getting the hang of it, but the Mummy’s… that’s a whole different ball game!
The other day we’re having a great time on the beach. We’re the only people for miles around and we’re all lovin’ it. None of us questioned why we’re the only one’s around. The water was pretty close. Closer than I’d seen it before but I didn’t mind, I like it up in the sand bumps anyway. When we got back to the car and all piled in and set off back to the new house, we got a little way down the road – I don’t know how far but it was a really short run – and there was water all over the road. Not like puddles that you can have a good drink out of, but loads of water all across the roads. The Mummy’s look at each other and talk about walking to the pub for a drink and letting it disappear, but decide against that plan and head the tango tank (that was the car with the lid that comes off – really great for posing in!) into the floods!
Well we didn’t even get to the bend in the road and the tank starts making all these strange noises. Like the other Mummy when her coffee is too hot, and then it stops! Just stops!
The Mummy’s look at each other again and start shaking their heads. Then my Mummy puts the window down and starts wriggling about in her seat. She grabs hold of the roof and kinda pulls herself out of the window. Mum’s are so weird!
Anyway I can’t let her go alone ‘cos they can’t be trusted, just look what a mess they’ve gotten us into so far! So I have to follow her and the runt (dodgy little collie that follows me everywhere, the other Mummy calls her Jazz, to me...she’s the runt) follows wherever I go. So Mummy’s got water up to her knee’s it’s at about my chest and Jazz… well it’s almost up to her neck already. Mummy puts my lead around the front bit of the Tango tank then disappears round the back. It doesn’t take long before she starts to tell me to pull, and like all well behaved super strong husky dogs… I pulled till I got bored.
Then I had a wander round the side to see what was going on at the back. The mummy was pushing the Tango tank through all the water, runt was running alongside then she disappeared under the water! Comes up wet through! I shook my head, cork-screwed my tail and helped my Mummy do something really stupid… we pulled it all the way through the water. The other Mummy got out of the car too and started pushing at the door trying to steer at the same time. The runt still half drowning along the side and its starting to get dark, things like this don’t happen in Manchester-ish.
We finally, and I mean finally, get to the end of the water and we sat there for ages waiting for this bloke to come. Jazz is just sat there shivering ‘cos she gets cold. Aw bless, and Mum wouldn’t let me sniff his bits, and he was like all, ‘ooh, it’s not good this love’ and ‘it’ll be a write off’ and ‘I’ve never seen a car start after something like this’. Then he starts the car and the Mummy’s take us home for tea. The Tango tank disappeared after I had a sleep and now we’ve got this other car to take us to the beach. The lid doesn’t come down so I can look out and show off but I’ve got my own door in this one!
I’m off now, Mum’s got bedtime treats!
Jasper and Jazz live with their 2 Mum's in Burnham Deepdale, where they try to keep their Mum's in line running the award winning eco-friendly Backpackers Hostel and Campsite.