Friday 8 January 2010

Eye eye!!!

The Runt has been to the dog doctor's, who said she's got conjunctivitis. My Mummy has to put drops in her eye every morning and every night, 'cos her own Mummy is squeamish and can't do it.

This means that the Runt is getting even more attention than normal off the humans.

I tried hurting myself for a bit of fuss and attention too. I jumped over the picket fence and got my back paw caught between the bits of wood. Did not like that I can tell you! Hanging off the gate with my Ass in the air. Not dignified. Once Mummy set me free I sat down and held up a paw for her to fuss over and tell me I would be okay... maybe even a treat. It didn't work.

I really should not have held up my front paw.

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