Sunday 30 May 2010

The Invasion is over!

It is over.

The people puppies have returned from where they came...

My balls are my own again!

Can you see how happy I am?

There are some good things I've discovered about people puppie's

1. They drop food all the time.
2. They leave chocolate smears on the windows for me to lick off.
3. They drop food all the time.
4. They spill sweet fizzy cola all over the place.
5. Did I mention that they drop food all the time.

Bad things about people puppie's

1. They steal my balls.
2. They eat my dog biscuit's... maybe that should be on the good list.
3. They are loud.
4. They are very loud.
5. I can fart and blame it on the people puppy with a padded bum.
6. They wake up very early.
7. They can't open doors when they wake up early so I can have a wee.
8. They monopolise the sofa and my cushion.
9. They steal all my balls.
10. This list is way longer than the other one.
11. Did I mention that they steal my balls.

My conclusion is this.

Me and people puppies are not a match made in heaven. Mummy said they are allowed to come back when Mummy 2 gets 'broodie'. Don't know what that means but I don't think it is good.

Saturday 29 May 2010


I got home last night and I had been invaded!

The people puppies had arrived and were monopolising my balls!

Not impressed.

The girl people puppy tried to throw the ball for me. Not very well, but she tried. The boy people puppy is a thief. He stole my football and wouldn't give it back. When he dropped it latter I hid it under the Mummy's bed.

People puppies are pants with stairs so it's safe under there.

Mummy 2 say's I'm antisocial. I don't care. I don't like people puppie's.

Friday 28 May 2010

Still have the lampshade on!

The Runt is now taking pity on me and trying to yank it off my head. I think this is worse than the mickey taking.

On a good note... the bandage is gone. Yay! Now I just have to wear one of mum's socks taped to my foot. Boo!

Ten more days of torture according to the Pet Doc. I used to think she was a nice lady when she gave the Runt injections and stuff... well not anymore!

Thursday 27 May 2010

Check up today.

I have to go to the pet doc's at Heacham at 11 o'clock. might get rid of the Plonker look. And Mummy might stop trying to hide tablets in my sausages then! ruins a good sausage otherwise.

The Runt is taking the Mickey. I'll have to show her who's the boss when this is off my head!

Wednesday 26 May 2010

I Look Like a Plonker!

I've got a stupid red bandage on my paw. And I look like a plonker!

Sharp stones and running Jasper's are not a good mix.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Mummy's Poorly

I'm missing my Mum. She's gone to hospital to swallow a camera cos she's got a sore throat. I don't understand how swallowing a big old camera will help that but that is what Mummy 2 said when they left. Uncle Ian is going to look after us while they are waiting in a big room with uncomfy chairs and lots of strangers. Mummy says she hates being poked and prodded and Mummy 2 said that that's why it's gotten so bad.

I'm scared for my Mummy.

Will she throw balls for me tomorrow?