Thursday 11 June 2009

Annie Balding's Big Barn Ho Down!

The Mum's are getting all excited 'cos we're going to this Ho Down. I don't knkow what a Ho Down is. I asked the brother but he wouldn't tell me. He just did that head shake thing where he looks at me like I'm totally stupid - I'm sure that means he hasn't got a clue either but he can't admit it. I asked the mum's what one was last night. Used my best pronunciation and everything... and they still didn't understand me. I've been training them like forever, since i got here and I'm four now (it was my birthday today and i got to eat steak and pork and a great big sausage and the piece de resistance.... I got a new ball!) but they still don't speak Jazzyese!

Anyway they've got these spakly cowboy hats (that what Mummy called them - they look like big upside down water bowls to me with shiny bits all over them) and they said Saturday night is going to be loads and loads of fun!

I'll let you know if there are any balls or sticks there.

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