Sunday 7 June 2009

Head's Up!

The Adventures of Jasper and Jazz.
Two poochies from the heart of the city, well Machester-ish, up sticks and move to the North Norfolk coast with their two Mum’s and three cats in tow. Follow their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and their torments, their tickles and their troubles, as they discover, explore and adapt to a whole new way of life!

Seal Trip

Now I consider myself a pooch of the world. I’ve travelled to a lot of places and sniffed a lot of stuff! But the Mum’s decided that we were going to see seal’s? The runt wanted to know what a Seal was. I tutted at her and shook my head like I was totally disappointed at her ignorance – I figured we’d find out when we got there and I usually find it best if you know nothing, don’t tell everyone about it!
So we got in the car and the Mummy drove down to another car park (I know those so I know that’s not a Seal), and then we walked through a car park for boats. I had a bit of a run over the Marshes, found this great mud patch, and had a brilliant roll around. Runt tried jumping over this trench and fell into it instead! So funny! She’s pants!

By this time we were heading back towards the boat car park and I’m starting to sulk ‘cos I thought we were going home again – very disappointed about Seal’s at this point. Still didn’t know what one was and I know the runt is going to ask again. The problem with the silent elder trick is that it only works for so long before you have to impart your wisdom. At this stage – I didn’t have any to impart! A happy Huskey this does not make.
Then Mum whistled.
I looked around.
Never sure if this is good or bad (it usually means back on the lead you see), I look at what they are doing and I stop sulking.
They’re heading for a boat ( I went on one of them before to Ireland – didn’t like that one – and then in Austria – I did like that one!).
Off I go. I do not want to miss this. Faster and faster to get there. Mum clips the lead on, but who cares. I can pull her over if I really want to!
She makes me wait till last to get on the. Last! Said I’ve got no manners when it comes to queuing. I’m a dog – of course I haven’t!
When I finally got on the boat, it was a bit squashed but there was a nice lady next to me, she started stroking me, then she budged over and I managed to get on the seat between her and Mum.
Mum told me off, but then the lady said she didn’t mind so Mum let me stay.
We set off to sea.
This little boat was bobbing all over the waves and the wind was messing up my fur. Then I saw this thing in the water. It wasn’t a bird (I know them), or a fish or anything like that. It looked like the runt swimming when the waves cover her head and her ears get flattened down. Then it disappeared under the water. What the….?
All the little kids on the boat are getting all excited and shouting ‘it’s a seal, it’s a seal’, so I guessed that this head in the water thing was a seal. A bit weird though this bobbing head. I mean how does it run? How does it hold bones still to have a good chew on? The next thing I know there is all this commotion over the other side and then there’s a beach. All the people going ‘ohh’ and ‘Ahh’ and ‘oh my God, look at the size of that seal!’ so I looked over and expected to see a gimungous floating head in the water. Boy did I get a shock. There were all these heads and big squigy bodies all lay around on this beach. The heads looked just like the one floating in the water but these squigy bodies didn’t have any paws or legs still just these little flippery things. And they wiggled across the beach – I mean I could catch one without even trying! They just wiggled! Like the runt does on her back when she wants a belly rub. Purely undignified!

I was still pondering the indignity when we went home and got settled in. they just wiggled across the beach. I’ll be dreaming about that for ages!

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