Thursday 18 June 2009

Cap'n Jasper Sparrow and the Discover of the Brancaster Wreck!

Shiver me timbers and a bottle of Rum (I don't actually like Rum - I bark at it - but I heard that bloke on the pirate film on telly talking about it and shouting at some woman who set it all on fire!) there's gold in that there chest! Well there wasn't really, but it was great fun.

It started out like all the other walks on the beach. The runt was chasing the ball... boring, and the Mummies were talking and doing boring Mummy stuff. It was pretty hot so I was wanting to head out for the water, just to cool off a bit, and low and behold the Mummies followed me. they were walking in a straight line and they kept saying stuff about this wreak. I wasn't sure what a wreak was so I decided to keep quiet and just wait them out. As I've said before I usually get the answer to things if I wait and don't ask stupid questions. We got to the sea and Mummy started to walk into it. I think her feet must have been pretty hot - they get a bit smelly sometimes too - 'cos she started walking into the water and kept on going. It mustn't have been just her feet that were hot 'cos she was walking through the water in soggy shorts when she started calling me to follow her.

Sometimes I do wonder if Mum has her head screwed on right 'cos I know she'll go home in a bit and put some different pants on, why don't they just let stuff dry while they wear it like we do?

I started following my Mum - mostly 'cos she was going somewhere I hadn't been before, but it looked good too - and when I caught up to her I decided to head back. She just kept on going. So I followed her all the way. She was pretty soggy by the time we both got the otherside but I was the one doing proper swimming. We had to wait for the runt and her Mum to catch up so I went and chased some big seagulls while I was waiting. Then we were just heading out for these big bits of metal all twisted up and the sand.

Mum said it was wreaked during that second world war thingy - Grandad told me that they had to have ration books in the war that meant the all were hungry and had to sleep in tunnels 'cos of bombs. He also said that those bombs weren't like the ones I kept leaving in his garden so I'm not really sure what he meant.

We had to swim to get back home too, but i was nice and cool by then. Had a really good sleep last night and dreamt I was chasing gold seagulls round a world war 2 pirate ship. Did they have pirates in the war?

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