Thursday 31 December 2009

The Arrival Of The Christmas Terrorist!

It arrived on the 29th.

It stayed for 2 whole days.

Jasper growled at it when it pinched crisps off the table.

I growled at it when it bullied me.

The people who arrived called it George.

I call it... The Christmas Terrorist.

It kept licking all inside my mouth. All the time. It licked my tounge. Ew. It licked my nose. Ew. It licked my teeth. Ew. it even licked my lips. Ew.

I growled.

It licked some more.

I showed it my teeth.

It licked some more.

I was ferocious.

It licked some more.

So I hid behind Mummy.

It tried some more!

Mummy says a puppy is for life not just for Christmas.

I hate Christmas.

The terrorist went on the Thursday and Aunty Sophie came to see us all.

She brought with her her Christmas present.

She calls it Dylan.

It has paws as big as Jaspers at that age(that's what Mummy 2 said anyway).

That means he's gonna be huge!

I hate scary Puppies!

Jasper says I'm a wuss.

Friday 18 December 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what I was born for! I feel it in my paws. Just a good temperature for running, and white as far as the eye can see. I love it!

The Runt.... not so much. Look at her! All this funny white stuff and she's sulking 'cos they won't chuck her stick. Boring!

Happy to report on my wandering today I discovered that the Tipi's and Yurt are all safe and survived the Blizzard (that's what Mummy called it 'cos she was bl***y cold last night) and are ready to roll.

Mummy wants Uncle Nic (he's the new cool dude at Deepdale) to build me a sledge so I can pull stuff with it. I think Mummy means pull her on it.

I'll get photo's if it happens.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Mummy's back!

The Mummy's have come home from somewhere called Maldives.

They look all brown and smell like fishes. Uncle Ian said they have been skiving and leaving him to do all the hard work.

He has sat in the courtyard for many hours smoking. It is very hard for him. He also had to take Jasper on walks and he pulled Uncle Ian up lots of hills, even though we don't really have hill's in Norfolk. He worked very hard at hiding my balls too. Bad Uncle Ian. I only dropped one on his head at 3 o'clock in the morning to play ball with me.

I don't like it when the Mummy's go away... but they usually find someone really soft to look after us. I slept in bed with Uncle Ian. He acts all tough but he's a big softie really.

Friday 4 December 2009

The return of Uncle Ian!!

Yes he's back. (Can you see him?)

The lovable Uncle Ian, who throws sticks for me all day long.


And sticks.

And sticks!!

He's going to look after me and Jasper while he's painting the loo block, and he thinks Christmas is bloomin' stupid! Mummy 2 asked if he'd wear the Father CHristmas suit for the market tomorrow. He said lots of words after that that I can't spell. I think one was 'funk' and he said something about making him look like a kind of bird. Jasper chases those blue tits around the garden at home. I don't know what this has to so with Uncle Ian in a Santa suit 'cos that's red, not blue!

Saturday 28 November 2009

I'm Depressed!

Mummy told me this morning that this time next week I was going to be going to the Christmas Market at the Campsite and Hostel.

I got excited.

Markets equals food, people and lots and lots of attention for Jasper's!

A very good day indeed!

Then she went and spoilt it.... She told me I have to wear the stupid reindeer antlers on my head that she got for some stupid shop in Kings Lynn. Who designed these stupid things? Who? Idiot!

The runt is excited about it.


Sunday 15 November 2009

Mummy won a prize!

Mummy 2 was awarded the 2009 East of Engerland Sustainable Tourism Award.

Not got a clue what that is but Mummy 2 was talking to a man from the Tellybox and she said "Sustainable tourism is an industry committed to making a low impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate income and employment for local people. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people; tourism companies; and tourists themselves.
Deepdale Backpackers and Camping has strived to fully encapsulate this ethos into its development from the very beginning. Starting as a single camping paddock back in 1979 used only through July and August, a summer project has grown into a worthy representative of sustainable tourism."

I think she's talking about all the litter picking I do and the bins I watch the people in blue jumpers empty all the time. But don't quote me on that!

It also means that now she has won the East of Engerland trophy, she goes into the competition for the whole of Engerland.

Mummy 2 also said "We don't inherit the World; we borrow it from our children…At Deepdale we intend to look after it until we return it."

Mummy 2 talks rubbish sometimes!

It's a funny old world!

Now, i gotta tell ya... it's been a mad summer this year! I've work like a dog! Pulled this stupid green trolley, full of whatever Mum decides to put in it, wherever Mum decides we're going. I've chased them pesky Rabbits off my fields more than once or twice (I'm not really very good at counting. Once i get to four I'm lost!) and the Mum's have been running around like headless Chickens. Hm Chicken!

Sorry just drooled on the keyboard. Back to my blog.

Mum is now gearing up for Christmas. This is good because it means i get a huge bone. But it is bad because they put stupid paper on it and leave it in the front room expecting me not to eat it, whilst i try to keep dog/cat (also known as Athena - the grey child. Please refer to the picture for more clarification. she begs for food better than we dogs do. she only goes out for ablutions when we do and she comes in if you call her name.) away from it. FOR WEEKS!!!!!

I'm not joking! They put it there for WEEKS!

Evil Mum's. Just give me the bone!

Christmas Bone, Christmas Bone, Christmas Bone!

Sunday 5 July 2009

Feeling hot, hot, hot...

We're having a heatwave! I can't get Jasper to move. He says Huskies aren't meant for hot weather. The Mum's keep taking us to the beach to go swimming and yesterday we disocvered a bit where the seals were watching us! The Mum's came swimming too! No ball games though.

The Mum's were watching the tellybox and it told them all these things on keeping dogs safe in the heat. (I learnt them just incase they forget any!)

1. Don't leave me in the car, even with the windows open a bit - this can kill me. The tellybox said this is a bad result.

2. Always make sure I have lots of clean water available - if you would like to leave me some dirty water too i don't mind, I like a little mud now and then.

3. Don't make me run too much. No matter how much i bother you with balls and sticks the tellybox said it is bad for me to get too excited 'cos it makes me hotter. Bad tellybox.

4. Give me lots of shade. Even though i like sunbathing - Mum put this cream on my nose yesterday to stop it getting all pink. She said it was 'suntan lotion' and it would stop 'sunburn'. I don't remember this from the tellybox.

5. Keep a window open at night 'if it is safe to do so'. That comes from another Tellybox lady who does things with police. She says not to leave it open if you might get robbed use a fan instead - I don't know what good Uncle Ian would be (he's a huge Manchester United fan) but this is what Tellybox recommend.

This is the Jazzy guide to looking after me when its hot.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Cap'n Jasper Sparrow and the Discover of the Brancaster Wreck!

Shiver me timbers and a bottle of Rum (I don't actually like Rum - I bark at it - but I heard that bloke on the pirate film on telly talking about it and shouting at some woman who set it all on fire!) there's gold in that there chest! Well there wasn't really, but it was great fun.

It started out like all the other walks on the beach. The runt was chasing the ball... boring, and the Mummies were talking and doing boring Mummy stuff. It was pretty hot so I was wanting to head out for the water, just to cool off a bit, and low and behold the Mummies followed me. they were walking in a straight line and they kept saying stuff about this wreak. I wasn't sure what a wreak was so I decided to keep quiet and just wait them out. As I've said before I usually get the answer to things if I wait and don't ask stupid questions. We got to the sea and Mummy started to walk into it. I think her feet must have been pretty hot - they get a bit smelly sometimes too - 'cos she started walking into the water and kept on going. It mustn't have been just her feet that were hot 'cos she was walking through the water in soggy shorts when she started calling me to follow her.

Sometimes I do wonder if Mum has her head screwed on right 'cos I know she'll go home in a bit and put some different pants on, why don't they just let stuff dry while they wear it like we do?

I started following my Mum - mostly 'cos she was going somewhere I hadn't been before, but it looked good too - and when I caught up to her I decided to head back. She just kept on going. So I followed her all the way. She was pretty soggy by the time we both got the otherside but I was the one doing proper swimming. We had to wait for the runt and her Mum to catch up so I went and chased some big seagulls while I was waiting. Then we were just heading out for these big bits of metal all twisted up and the sand.

Mum said it was wreaked during that second world war thingy - Grandad told me that they had to have ration books in the war that meant the all were hungry and had to sleep in tunnels 'cos of bombs. He also said that those bombs weren't like the ones I kept leaving in his garden so I'm not really sure what he meant.

We had to swim to get back home too, but i was nice and cool by then. Had a really good sleep last night and dreamt I was chasing gold seagulls round a world war 2 pirate ship. Did they have pirates in the war?

Sunday 14 June 2009

Annie Balding's Big Barn Ho Down!

Well, a Ho Down looked like lots of fun for people. Clapping and skipping were involved a lot. As was some drinking and crisps. I personally didn't get any crisps so that was just for your information. I have two problems with this...Ho Down. There were no balls. And no sticks. Doesn't leave much for a Jazz to do but sit and watch.

I tried doggie dancing a while back and apparently i am duck toed at the back and twang toed at the front. Plus Mummy 1 says she 'has two left feet and an aversion to public humiliation!' So we didn't get very far with that one. Also no one had a spare cowboy hat for me... What's a girl to do?

Thursday 11 June 2009

Annie Balding's Big Barn Ho Down!

The Mum's are getting all excited 'cos we're going to this Ho Down. I don't knkow what a Ho Down is. I asked the brother but he wouldn't tell me. He just did that head shake thing where he looks at me like I'm totally stupid - I'm sure that means he hasn't got a clue either but he can't admit it. I asked the mum's what one was last night. Used my best pronunciation and everything... and they still didn't understand me. I've been training them like forever, since i got here and I'm four now (it was my birthday today and i got to eat steak and pork and a great big sausage and the piece de resistance.... I got a new ball!) but they still don't speak Jazzyese!

Anyway they've got these spakly cowboy hats (that what Mummy called them - they look like big upside down water bowls to me with shiny bits all over them) and they said Saturday night is going to be loads and loads of fun!

I'll let you know if there are any balls or sticks there.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Head's Up!

The Adventures of Jasper and Jazz.
Two poochies from the heart of the city, well Machester-ish, up sticks and move to the North Norfolk coast with their two Mum’s and three cats in tow. Follow their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and their torments, their tickles and their troubles, as they discover, explore and adapt to a whole new way of life!

Seal Trip

Now I consider myself a pooch of the world. I’ve travelled to a lot of places and sniffed a lot of stuff! But the Mum’s decided that we were going to see seal’s? The runt wanted to know what a Seal was. I tutted at her and shook my head like I was totally disappointed at her ignorance – I figured we’d find out when we got there and I usually find it best if you know nothing, don’t tell everyone about it!
So we got in the car and the Mummy drove down to another car park (I know those so I know that’s not a Seal), and then we walked through a car park for boats. I had a bit of a run over the Marshes, found this great mud patch, and had a brilliant roll around. Runt tried jumping over this trench and fell into it instead! So funny! She’s pants!

By this time we were heading back towards the boat car park and I’m starting to sulk ‘cos I thought we were going home again – very disappointed about Seal’s at this point. Still didn’t know what one was and I know the runt is going to ask again. The problem with the silent elder trick is that it only works for so long before you have to impart your wisdom. At this stage – I didn’t have any to impart! A happy Huskey this does not make.
Then Mum whistled.
I looked around.
Never sure if this is good or bad (it usually means back on the lead you see), I look at what they are doing and I stop sulking.
They’re heading for a boat ( I went on one of them before to Ireland – didn’t like that one – and then in Austria – I did like that one!).
Off I go. I do not want to miss this. Faster and faster to get there. Mum clips the lead on, but who cares. I can pull her over if I really want to!
She makes me wait till last to get on the. Last! Said I’ve got no manners when it comes to queuing. I’m a dog – of course I haven’t!
When I finally got on the boat, it was a bit squashed but there was a nice lady next to me, she started stroking me, then she budged over and I managed to get on the seat between her and Mum.
Mum told me off, but then the lady said she didn’t mind so Mum let me stay.
We set off to sea.
This little boat was bobbing all over the waves and the wind was messing up my fur. Then I saw this thing in the water. It wasn’t a bird (I know them), or a fish or anything like that. It looked like the runt swimming when the waves cover her head and her ears get flattened down. Then it disappeared under the water. What the….?
All the little kids on the boat are getting all excited and shouting ‘it’s a seal, it’s a seal’, so I guessed that this head in the water thing was a seal. A bit weird though this bobbing head. I mean how does it run? How does it hold bones still to have a good chew on? The next thing I know there is all this commotion over the other side and then there’s a beach. All the people going ‘ohh’ and ‘Ahh’ and ‘oh my God, look at the size of that seal!’ so I looked over and expected to see a gimungous floating head in the water. Boy did I get a shock. There were all these heads and big squigy bodies all lay around on this beach. The heads looked just like the one floating in the water but these squigy bodies didn’t have any paws or legs still just these little flippery things. And they wiggled across the beach – I mean I could catch one without even trying! They just wiggled! Like the runt does on her back when she wants a belly rub. Purely undignified!

I was still pondering the indignity when we went home and got settled in. they just wiggled across the beach. I’ll be dreaming about that for ages!

Sunday 10 May 2009

War Games

The Adventures of Jasper and Jazz.

Two poochies from the heart of the city, well Machester-ish, up sticks and move to the North Norfolk coast with their two Mum’s and three cats in tow. Follow their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and their torments, their tickles and their troubles, as they discover, explore and adapt to a whole new way of life!

War Games.

B-B-Ball, B-B-Ball, B-B-ball, ball, ball, b-b-ball, b-b-ball, b-b-ball, ball, ball, b-b-ball ,b-b- ball, b-b- ball, ball, ballllllll! B-b-ball! B-b-ball, ball, ball! (To the theme of the William tell overture!)
There are some majorly important things in my life, and they’re important in this order;

1. Balls.
2. Sticks.
3. Cuddles with Mummy 1.
4. Jasper. My big bully of a brother
5. Walks
6. Food.
7. Treats.
8. The Mummy’s bed.
9. The couch.
10. Mummy 2.

Which all means that when I get to go to the beach for a walk with my mummy holding a ball… I’m in heaven. One day Mummy1 gets the stick with the ball on the end and we all get in the car to the beach. Jasper doesn’t like this car as much as the old one that died in the flood’s ‘cos the lid doesn’t come off, but it’s easier to get in the door when I’m tired.
When we are at the beach, Mummy 2 is throwing the ball for me, Jasper’s up in the sand bumps and the other mummy is looking for something. She says it’s a world war 2 something. What’s a world war 2? When the Mummy’s find this something, the ball throwing stops and Jasper starts heading in. He doesn’t get very far ‘cos he acts all hard and stuff but he’s really a great big wus!
This world war two thing they’ve found it’s this brick hole in the sand. Mummy number two starts crawling on the sand under all the bricks. It’s this tunnel that goes under the sand then turns left and carry’s on. Mummy 1 puts her keys and light stick round my neck to take to Mummy 2. I can do that ‘cos I’m clever.
Then we set off into the tunnels, me, Jasper and Mummy 2. The light stick showed us these little rooms on the left and Mummy 2 said it was a bunker for the coastal defenses in this world war two thingy. There were all these rooms down there. Big ones and small ones. There were some that Mummy 2 said would have been loo’s for the soldiers, and I lost my ball. It smelt funny down there. Like mould, and sea, and stale beer. There was this pit in the middle of the biggest room right in the middle of the tunnels that had a hole in the roof above it. Mummy 2 said that this was where they had a fire to keep themselves warm in the war. There was a lot of empty beer bottles in there too, I wonder if they were from the war? Mummy 2 stared at the ‘puter screen latter and then told us all it was a pillbox. That they were used as part of the defenses to protect England from the enemies and that there are quite a lot of them around the North Norfolk coast. I haven’t seen any others yet, but I’ll let you know if I do.

Anyway, back to the adventure. We got to the end of this tunnel and there was no way out. It was all bricked up so we had to turn back around and go out the way we came.
I found my ball. I dropped it outside. Oops.

I tried to ask Mummy what a world war 2 was but they’re a bit daft and they don’t always understand me. Simple creatures. They showed some spark latter though when they put on a TV program called ‘Band of Brothers’, and it looks like this world war two thingy was about lots of men with guns dying ‘cos of some lunatic called Hitler. And they didn’t have a lot of beer bottles in the war.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Not Quite Local....

The Adventures of Jasper and Jazz.

Two poochies from the heart of the city, well Machester-ish, up sticks and move to the North Norfolk coast with their two Mum’s and three cats in tow. Follow their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and their torments, their tickles and their troubles, as they discover, explore and adapt to a whole new way of life!

Not quite local…

We love this running mad on the beach thing. Jazz chases a ball like crazy and I do a bit of exploring, chase a few birds, go meet some new people if they’re about.
So, we’re getting the hang of it, but the Mummy’s… that’s a whole different ball game!
The other day we’re having a great time on the beach. We’re the only people for miles around and we’re all lovin’ it. None of us questioned why we’re the only one’s around. The water was pretty close. Closer than I’d seen it before but I didn’t mind, I like it up in the sand bumps anyway. When we got back to the car and all piled in and set off back to the new house, we got a little way down the road – I don’t know how far but it was a really short run – and there was water all over the road. Not like puddles that you can have a good drink out of, but loads of water all across the roads. The Mummy’s look at each other and talk about walking to the pub for a drink and letting it disappear, but decide against that plan and head the tango tank (that was the car with the lid that comes off – really great for posing in!) into the floods!
Well we didn’t even get to the bend in the road and the tank starts making all these strange noises. Like the other Mummy when her coffee is too hot, and then it stops! Just stops!
The Mummy’s look at each other again and start shaking their heads. Then my Mummy puts the window down and starts wriggling about in her seat. She grabs hold of the roof and kinda pulls herself out of the window. Mum’s are so weird!
Anyway I can’t let her go alone ‘cos they can’t be trusted, just look what a mess they’ve gotten us into so far! So I have to follow her and the runt (dodgy little collie that follows me everywhere, the other Mummy calls her Jazz, to me...she’s the runt) follows wherever I go. So Mummy’s got water up to her knee’s it’s at about my chest and Jazz… well it’s almost up to her neck already. Mummy puts my lead around the front bit of the Tango tank then disappears round the back. It doesn’t take long before she starts to tell me to pull, and like all well behaved super strong husky dogs… I pulled till I got bored.
Then I had a wander round the side to see what was going on at the back. The mummy was pushing the Tango tank through all the water, runt was running alongside then she disappeared under the water! Comes up wet through! I shook my head, cork-screwed my tail and helped my Mummy do something really stupid… we pulled it all the way through the water. The other Mummy got out of the car too and started pushing at the door trying to steer at the same time. The runt still half drowning along the side and its starting to get dark, things like this don’t happen in Manchester-ish.
We finally, and I mean finally, get to the end of the water and we sat there for ages waiting for this bloke to come. Jazz is just sat there shivering ‘cos she gets cold. Aw bless, and Mum wouldn’t let me sniff his bits, and he was like all, ‘ooh, it’s not good this love’ and ‘it’ll be a write off’ and ‘I’ve never seen a car start after something like this’. Then he starts the car and the Mummy’s take us home for tea. The Tango tank disappeared after I had a sleep and now we’ve got this other car to take us to the beach. The lid doesn’t come down so I can look out and show off but I’ve got my own door in this one!
I’m off now, Mum’s got bedtime treats!
Jasper and Jazz live with their 2 Mum's in Burnham Deepdale, where they try to keep their Mum's in line running the award winning eco-friendly Backpackers Hostel and Campsite.